It must be a slow toy year if I am buying Goldar action figures. Goldar. Funny that only the exclusives for Cons and overpriced internet stuff this year are better than what they are selling on the shelves. I really hate toy companies right now. They are sucking too much fun out of this.

Not much to say about Goldar. The toy makers have succeeded in recreating a figure with little movement much like the guy in the costume. He has the strangest knees I have ever seen in a toy. They look jointed, maybe for spinning, but the kneecap prevents that. I thought maybe it was a hidden knee bend, but I think it might just break off. Thats not a good thing five minutes after opening him. His shoulders do have joints, but the pads prevent any decent movement. It could have been worse though. His head boasts 2 degree movement. Wow.

At the very least he's a common villain for the Green Ranger to throw down with. The wings are a plus too, as I can pretend he can fly. Hmmm, get out the Zip-line...

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