Monday, May 31, 2010
Transformers Jolt Review on the Road
Watch the whole thing, see Jolt dance at the end.
So, yeah, went to Las Vegas last week. When I say in the video I couldn't find toys anywhere, I meant on the Strip for a decent price! FAO Schwarz pulled out of Caesars Palace, which was a bummer as I was looking forward to that store again. Caesars did have a store called 'Auto Vehicle' which had a bunch of inflated priced die cast cars, like the new back to the future DeLorean for more than 200 dollars (out of box!). That store made me want to buy a bunch of Transformers, open them, and sell them for 100 bucks each. Other than that I couldn't find one gift shop that had anything worth fun play time. On the way out of town we stopped by Walmart, and I found Jolt for 9.00, which is an okay deal for a Deluxe class vehicle.
May went too fast for me, and was way too busy. I missed my ten posts per month goal. I will have to step it up for June. It looks like a couple great blogs are shutting down in May too, Lameazoid and Geek Orthodox. Both blogs had great content over the years and will be missed. Hats off to those guys working on them. With sites like Facebook, Twitter, and, its hard to find time to blog, but I will keep going. I really enjoy making these geeky toy videos, I just wish I could get more traffic to my Channel. Going back to work tomorrow after a week off is going tobe really hard. Enjoyed the time off, but this summer should be an eventful time O' fun. See you in June!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
New Puppy Wilson, aka Sawyer

Hey, we got a Puppy! 90% named Sawyer, but was originally named Wilson (The litter was named after NFL first round drafts picks, Kyle Wilson, Boise State 2010). He is a Goldendoodle, a mix between a Golden retriever and a poodle. So far no toys have been chewed up, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Bart the cat has had only one close encounter so far, and it resulted in cat puke on the carpet. I don't think Garfield likes Odie.
Friday, May 21, 2010
13 Years and 1 Month ago...

Some bloggers will tell you that 30 years ago something really great was released; Toyriffic, Eclectorama. But I am here to tell you something even greater happened only 13 years and 1 Month ago. Thats right, I'm talking Batman and Robin released May 20th 1997! It received critical panning (which I believe means good???).

frequently ranked among the best superhero films of all time, Batman and Robin pitted a bunch of good guys vs a bunch of bad guys (too lazy to list). Take this Batgirl played by Alicia Silverstone. pretty hot huh?

Robin checks in with this revolutionary blue and red costume, and with his Twirly-Whirly, he is ready to cut crime up (That is Poison Ivy's Vines up).
What killed the dinosaurs? You ask?

The Ice age of course! Mr Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger) had plentiful, plentiful one liners in the film. I enjoy repeating every now and then still to this day of days ahead.
His toy sports my favorite gravity leg rockets, and plastic stick projecting freeze gun.

And who could forget Bane and his almost Oscar nominating performance. Each time he grumbled out "Bomb! Bomb!" I was reminded at how overly boringly calculating he was in his comic book run.

I remember to this day seeing this movie a week from opening night, shaking my head in complete whelm.
Ah what the heck, here's Batgirl one more time...

So tonight, celebrate the 4th installment of the Batman franchise that nearly stopped the series, do to its impossible to top performance!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
It's Zartan Zaturday on a Zip-Line!
Lets Zelebrate Zartan Zaturday with Zip-Lines and classic Zartan moments. Happy Zartan Zaturday everyone!
Be sure to check out all the other Zartan Zaturday blogs at the links below!
A Year of Toys
Branded in the 80s
Adventures in Nerdliness
Revenge from the Cosmic Ark
Monday, May 10, 2010
GI Joe Combat Heroes

I'm still buying Rise of Cobra stuff? Yeah. Actually I found this a couple months ago, but since I am out of things to think about, here it is. They are at a reduced price too right now, so they are a little more worth then they usually are. I would never pay 6.99 for a set, but 3.99 meh, okay.

They actually put two leads in the same package. Usually they group these figures as significant figure with completely un-significant figure. A brilliant marketing tactic I guess. So Young Duck and Cobra Kidomander fighting together against each other. This might be the best CC around for this line. I like how the mask says only one scar across the forehead, and that's it. Makes the rest of his clean skin face mysterious. Unlike the completely burned off face of other toys.

So yeah, thats what I had to say about that today.
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Alpha 5 & Zordon

It's Alpha 5 & Zordon! You ask, "Is it worth buying?" Lets find out.

for $6.99 you get Alpha 5 and Zordon! Thats two for one dude! Alpha being the main draw, he has 11 points of articulation, Awesome!

Zordon only has one point of articulation, but the flask can be filled with water to simulate his floating head appearance as he appeared in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!

At this time Alpha 5 and Zordon would like to perform a musical number.

Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi! Nevermind, I think we just killed Zordon!

Monday, May 03, 2010
The Lords of the Rings MiniMates

I almost forgot I had a set of these guys. I was trying to brain storm my next stop motion victims, and they popped into mind. After taking some basic photos though, I might change my plans. These are the most frustrating things to shoot. They fall over easily, their hair pieces pops off too easily, they drop their weapons, and they keep dominoing each other! Otherwise they would be fun to see move around. Perhaps lots of poster tacking will help. Whatever I do with them, it better be epic, so maybe I will wait a few more years, assign another director, sue another studio for rights, and have too many problems casting the right toys.

I like the fish that Gollum gets. Everyone else gets fantastic props, and Gollum gets a fish. At least its not as dumb as twilight Frodo. Of all the unimportant characters to make, its Twilight Frodo. God forbid they make a more known character before the line got cancelled. Of course a more intelligent toy collector would say, "dan, its just a remold with different plastic, much cheaper than a new mold". I say a pox on the!

I can't even see him, where the hell did Frodo go? Oh there he is, behind that piece of white paper!
Sunday, May 02, 2010
GI Joe vs the Squirmle
Movie night comes so quickly again to the Toy Museum. Tonight I tackle the Horror genre with this terrifying tail of GI Joe vs the Squirmle. I actually tried to produce this movie months ago, but due to technical issues and a horrible Squirmle incident, I had to hold off until today. So enjoy, and yes the volume is bad, so please turn it up all the way.
Darth Tebow!
My pal SlimHonke's video editing skills are rapidly approaching the greatness level I reached five years ago. Just kidding on that, he did a spiffy video on Denver's new draft pick. Of course everyone is slamming because Tebow is known for good things, so there might be a remake with Luke instead of Vader. If so, this video will be the rare and worth thousands of dollars once its replaced for the new one. Enjoy!
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