Believe it or not, I only asked for two toys for X-mas this year. Actually I didn't ask for any, I bought two toys, gave them to my wife to give to me. Pretty good system eh? Had to get the Night Raven to finish the Rise of Cobra collection. It was on a great toy sale deal too, over half off! All though as a present, I guess that shouldn't matter.

Hasbro pumped the playablity with this thing to the extreme. No really, you can hand pump the fuselage to arm and double fire the 12 missiles. You can seriously throw down some major projectile vomit at the GI Joe front lines. Also armed with a ton of cool sound effects and lights. There is a lower handle with trigger which flies the damn thing all over the place (with your arm attached of course).

The photo makes the plane appear black, but its really an off gray dark navy blue, which is a bit of a downer. Don't know why they couldn't match the black from the Cobra Hummer. The cockpit is like the classic, entry from below, but only seats one. And where is the mini plane that used to sit up top? That thing was killer dangerous! Landing gear is minus nice rubbery rolly tires which is a real bad play by Hasbro. What puts GI Joe toys above the cheap stuff in the dollar bins, is those extra touches like nice rubbery rolly tires.
When I get a chance, I will show more of the awesome power of this fully armed and operational battle plane.
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