After the extreme overproductin Phantom Menace toy fiasco, I was able to pick up great buys of toys. Like this nice R2-D2 action figure case. It was a steal at less than five bucks. It holds lots of stuff, and has a cool little display base.

Its been up in my dark non temperature changing closet climate for the last few years. When I took it down the other day and opened it up, I was surprised to see that the inside has changed from white to pink! Now I am fairly confident Luke didn't leave a pair of red socks in there or Darth leaving a light saber on, so I am not sure what the deal is.

The camera won't pick up the pink in the flash, so I had to alter this picture with photoshop for purposes. If anyone knows the answer to this mystery, we will have to get together and make a documentary to withstand future generations of toys.
tune in next time for the mystery of the Melting 1980's Masters of the Universe toys.
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