Its Chicken Combine week on
Ulysses Chickens in the Wind. All sorts of wackiness a foot! And while your there, register at Smack Jeeves to become a fan. At least I hope you want to be a fan? They do spin rather fast, and keep rooms cool. The neat side effect of selecting fans at Smack Jeeves, is that you have your own personal list of favorite comics. The ones that are updated the most currently top the list so you can always find when your favorites come out! You do not have to make your own comic to be a member. ALSO, I have not been rated yet!!! 60 comics so far, and NO rating. I am so bummed. SOmeone feel free to rate me! (as long as its a good rating :) The more fans I get, and the more good ratings the more my comic might be noticed. Unless its really THAT bad...
SO, Back to you toys...

I got the BumbleBee two pack with purchase of the Transformers DVD at Target and fifteen less dollars. I can't decide if I should open it or not? I already have a perfect Classics Bumblebee driving around. Maybe I will add this to my rainy day emergency unopened toys cache on my couch...

I'm expecting an avalanche any day now. By the way if you can ID all Sigma Sixers by their legs on the shelf above, I will be impressed and also concerned.