Sunday, March 06, 2011

Lego Games Monster 4, Set 3837

I had a clearance opportunity to finally try out a Lego Game! I have been meaning to buy one of these for months, but something always came first. Not this time, the Monster 4 Game was half off.

The Game Board is pretty unique, being a creepy cemetery with headstones as your markers.

Monster 4, is a smaller sized game for 2 to 4 players, meant for about 15-20 minute play time. Your goal is to fill a line of monsters much like Tic-Tac-Toe, by roll of dice, with a few obstacles on the way. The Spider will reset a four block area, and the white skulls are wild cards. Its pretty fun idea for a short game. When we played, it took some time to get things going, but then all of a sudden the dice determined a clear winner. I can see several kinds of game plays happening, with some light strategy here and there.

The picture below shows the winner is red.

Of course, the most important part of this game are the "head" pieces, as now my Star Wars figures have Halloween masks! :)

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