Monday, April 05, 2010

Birthday Swag!

Darth Vader chop sticks/skewers!

As Reis from Geek-Orthodox always says check out my cool Birthday Swag! At least I think he said that a few times? ANy hoo, my birthday being almost a week ago, I had to wait and wait until Saturday to get some loot. Not that I wanted anything, I am happy with just the huge mountain of toys I already have. But if someone were to say... get a bunch of Power Rangers and then give them to various people to give to me, I won't fight.

I always wanted an original Megazord! Think of the stop motion possibilities.!

I'm still new to the X-Box scene so these three games should get me started. I can't wait to try the best Zombie game ever made. Anything with Ben 10, is good too!

These Birthday socks look nice and warm.

And a Tripod! I used a bump-able mini tripod to do stop motion, so I asked for something more sturdy. Now I just need to get a better camera to attach it to.

Thanks all for the awesome gifts!

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