Monday, October 06, 2008

My Little Pony: Lovey Dovey

I was thinking about gum drops and cotton candy today and it occurred to me this toy blog favors the Army-Robot-Super Hero toys too often. So I thought to make it even, I would start highlighting My Little Ponies this week.

They are so Cute! Look at the colors!

Hmmm. Seem to be having display difficulties. Please ignore...

Now look at the fine jewel embedding work done on this Ponies Butt.

I think that the combination of pink and purple is sure pretty.

Yeah, something is really wrong with my picture loader. Please dismiss.

The problem with most of todays action figures is the absence of purple sparkle hair. -Fabulous!

I bet Zartan could use sparkle hair. It would certainly end some debates.


I'm going to have to contact my IT guy on this issue.

Please stay tuned to My Little Pony week.

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