Sunday, July 13, 2008

New Serpentor, old Air Chariot, No look like fun for Cobra Leader

Serpentor does not look like he is enjoying the ride on his new/old Air Chariot. He almost looks like someone on a motorized scooter, on his way to deliver a pizza. It's funny how Hasbro is trying to cram these some what larger GI Joe's onto older vehicles meant for smaller figures. Don't get me wrong, I'm hyperactive that these vehicles are being release. We all saw my old Air Chariot's condition in post 345 or something, so its nice to have a new one again. At least they provided a Serpentor without his cape. I can't believe he would fly with that spinning lift thing so close to his feet and cape. I guess Cobra cuts costs by not dealing with OSHA. Yet we all saw the consequences of that in GI Joe the movie.

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