Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I Ordered on Sunday night 6/1/08. I figured they would ship out Monday night, Tuesday it would travel from origin to destination, Wednesday arrive and get sorted, Thursday get to local postman and deliver. Ok, maybe that's miracle shipping, so Friday.


So I find that I have tracking info offered. That would have been nice to know during Friday's after work tantrum. What shocked me is where in the world is Carmen Sandiago? ...I mean, where in the world is my package going? I figure one hub city is enough, like Dallas to Salt Lake City to Boise. Why would it go Dallas to Denver to Salt Lake City. Why not just go to Dallas to New York to Orlando to Seattle to Chicago to Phoenix to Denver to Salt Lake City to Boise? That would be easier. I just noticed the 6/13/08 part. I cannot wait that long!!! I figure, the ebay auction I won for something entirely different will arrive before the other order even ever gets here.

Or worse, all three packages of different orders will all arrive on the same darn day thus ruining new package for me everyday for three days event.

So what is in the package? I'll let the speculation begin.

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