Sunday, February 11, 2007

Projectile Contest! The Finale!

I suppose I have kept you in suspence long enough. The Final Projectile Contestants will be the Attacktix Chief Chirpa, Jabba the Hutt, and Bossk.

Chief Chirpa throws first...and gets a silly 48".

Bossk plays next...

And Triumphs with an astonishing 160"!!!

Jabba then spits a 156"! But not enough to top Bossk, who looks like the grand champion to me!

Final Standings:

1. Bossk 160"
2. Jabba the Hutt 156"
3. Hi-Tech 90"
4. Waspinator 77"
5. Han Solo Mech 68"
6. Lego Batmobile 66"
7. Snow Storm Trooper 66"
8. G2 Optimus Prime 62"
9. Samuri Battle-Cat 59"
10. Rebel Trooper 58"
11. Chief Chirpa
12. Tie Bomber 41"

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