Thursday, November 30, 2006

Axe this!

To conclude these last few posts with the original Bionicles I will. I waited till the last second to buy the green guy before he disappeared off store shelves. For some reason I don't like green things. I like blue things. But I don't like green things. Probalby because I like blue things more. But not green things. So to sum up, Green things good. Blue things bad. no wait. Blue things are good, green things are better. no wait. Blue things are good, green things are dumb.


Anyhow, surprise to me, the green Bionicle is quite fun. He has this axe that can really pack a swing. More than any other Bionicle's swing. Must be a weight thing of the heavy blade part on a stick. When I get bored, I use him to chop pencils in half.

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